Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Healthy Eating Options for Toddlers

One of my biggest challengers in raising a toddler, is getting him to eat healthy.  My son, EJ is a total carbaholic.  His most favorite foods include, chips, french fries, bread, and granola bars, so not only am i trying to find healthy recipes, but i'm trying to figure out how to sneak in veggies and protein.  The only veggie he eats is corn, which in and of itself is not the greatest, and the only protein he will eat is yogurt and chicken nuggets.  So what i want to share with you are a few recipes/snacks that I have come up with that give him the nutrition he needs.

The first one I have named EJ's Superhero Oatmeal.  EJ has always loved oatmeal, so i've found that i can add a few healthy things into it that he can't taste or see.

EJ's Superhero Oatmeal

1 packet of organic oatmeal
1-2 Tbsp of Chia Seeds
1-2 Tbsp of Flax Seeds
1 tsp of Coconut Oil
Almond/Coconut milk as desired

Combine the first 3 ingredients together in a bowl.  Heat milk and coconut oil in a saucepan, until oil is melted, and then pour over top of the oatmeal.

This is the brand of Oatmeal packets that i use.  You can also use steel cut oats or just plain old fashioned oats, although you may want to add a little organic sugar if going this route.

If you are looking for a great place to get Chia Seeds for a good price, check out Amazon.  Here's the brand i use for chia seeds.

Flax seeds i will just buy locally at a produce market, and you can use the seeds, or buy the ground flaxseed.  When buying coconut oil, be sure to get organic.  There are tons of other options for add ins to the oatmeal as well.  I was recently at a vegan restaurant, and purchased a tub of coconut flakes, walnuts, cacao nibs, goji berries, and almonds, that i will also mix in from time to time. 

EJ asks for this oatmeal every morning, so it's my way of adding some extra health benefits into his diet. 

Another favorite of EJ's is his green hulk smoothie.

EJ's Green Hulk Smoothie

1/2 Cup of Almond Milk/Coconut Milk
1 Cup of Spinach
1/2 Scoop of Shakeology
1 TBsp of Organic Peanut Butter
1/2 Banana

Combine all ingredients together in a blender and serve in a zippy cup.

Since EJ refuses to eat anything green, this is how i get the greens into his body.  What i love about this shake is that it's packed with protein and tons of great nutrients for his body.  It covers all the food groups, Fruit, Veggie, Carb, Protein, and fats.  Shakeology is an all natural meal replacement shake packed full of fruits, veggies, and tons of super foods.  It's totally safe for little kids because nothing is artificial, even the sweetener is made with Stevia.  He does regular Shakeology, but there is also a Vegan Option.  The Shakeology is the key for him, because he loves the chocolate taste and it covers up the taste of the spinach.  I will use this for a meal, or for a snack.  It's a great quick option to have if you are in a hurry, and want your toddler to eat a healthy meal.

If you are interested in getting Shakeology or learning more about it, check out this link below.

Here's a video that goes over some of the ingredients.

This next recipe, i can't take credit for, but it's always a win in our house

Sweet Potato Fries

1-2 Sweet Potatoes
2-3 Tbsp of Olive Oil
A few dashes of cinnamon

Cut up the sweet potato, then mix in the olive oil and cinnamon.  Place on a baking sheet, and bake at 375 for 14 minutes, then flip the fries over in the pan, and bake for another 14 minutes.

Lastly, I just want to leave you with a couple of my favorite healthy snack brands that I will buy for EJ

Thanks for taking the time to check this out, i hope that you will have some ideas now as to help your children to eat healthy, especially if they are picky like mine.  Feel free to leave comments or other recipes you have done that have worked for your children.  Wishing you success on the eating front!!

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