About Me

Hey Friends,

I'm Natalie and I love all things health--oils, nutrition, working out, and living my best life.  I love to teach people how to get more sleep, as that is the foundation of being energized and healthy to accomplish all other things in life!  I was raised by a mom who had and BEAT breast cancer, and she has shown me what it is to be healthy and eat healthy foods.

I am married to my husband Huy, who has taught me how to go after my best life, and invest in myself so that I can help others.  He's my biggest fan!  I am also a stay-at-home mom to my 2 sons EJ who is 5, and Levi who is 1.  We love to travel the town, going to different parks and playdates with our friends.  It's very important to me to teach them how to live a healthy lifestyle and get enough sleep!  They are 2 of a kind, and I can't imagine my life without them!

In 2016, I became certified as a Holistic Health Coach, and through that I help sleep deprived women get more restful sleep so they can pursue their goals and dreams.   I also love to help those same women by using God's gift of the earth, Essential Oils.  I love that we have natural medicine we can use to help us sleep better and feel more rested, and they best part about the oils is that they don't have side effects, and they won't harm us over the long term.

My goal is to educate women about the benefits of a natural and healthy lifestyle with the use of oils, so they can save money on doctors visits, prescriptions, and feel more empowered in their own home.  I love using these oils on my boys as well.  Their little bodies take to them so well, and we hardly ever visit the doctor.

My other passion is music.  I'm a classically trained pianist and violinist.  I received a degree in Music Education, so before I had my first baby, I was teaching music in the public schools.  Now, I just give a couple of violin and piano lessons on the side, and play at church.

The goal of this blog is to help sleep deprived women get more restful sleep, so that they can pursue their goals and dreams, which in turn leads to a healthier and more fulfilling life.  I hope to help you get more sleep, spend less money on healthcare, and live an amazing energized life, because you deserve it my friend!

Much love,


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