Thursday, October 2, 2014

Can Shakeology help prevent sickness?

After scrolling though my Facebook Feed today and seeing so many posts about people getting sick, I felt inspired to share about Shakeology and how it has helped my family.  It's so easy to get confused in the world of health food and nutrition if you have not been around it.  Maybe you were not taught how to eat healthy and it's a whole new thing to get used to, or  you had a bad Dr's appointment and were told to change your lifestyle or else you could die. On the other hand, maybe you are the type of person that understands a little about health and nutrition but you want to dive deeper into it.
Well, I do not profess to be an expert at nutrition, but I have learned a lot over the years by doing my own research, trial and error, and continually learning about it. I want to share my personal journey with you over the next few paragraphs and my hope is that it will inspire you to take control of your health and your family's health, whether you decide Shakeology is right for you or not.

First off, I want to give you a little background on me, so you know where I am coming from.  My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 5 years old, and one of my earliest childhood memories is clinging to her in the hospital crying because I didn't want to go home without her.  Well, my mom ended up beating Cancer thus turning her into a health nut.  Our home turned into a health food store.  As a child it's hard to understand why everyone else gets to eat Froot Loops for breakfast while you eat Raisin Bran.  I remember going to friend's houses just so i could eat junk food.  In high school, I ate at Wendy's everyday and dessert was always a zebra cake.  I also lived close to a drive thru, so i was constantly there buying junk food.  Had i not played sports all through high school, I probably would have weighed 300 pounds.

Once I left home to go to college and later move to Florida, I made the choice to live a healthy lifestyle.    After watching my mom go through cancer, I became determined to live as healthy as possible in order to be around for my future family.  Then in 2008, I met my husband who at the time had been doing P90X and following a strict diet.  From that point on we were determined as a couple to be as healthy as possible to be an example for our family and because we both valued being in shape.  I started really diving into healthy cooking, learning about labels, super foods, where to shop, what to buy, etc……

 Fast forward to September 2013, and that is when i first discovered Shakeology. Shakeology is Beachbody's version of a nutrient dense, superfood, meal replacement shake. I have been doing Beachbody Programs for years, but I didn't really know anything about Shakeology. After becoming a coach in September 2013, i took the Shakeology plunge and began drinking it everyday. First of all, it tasted REALLY GOOD and I'm not just saying that. I've tasted a ton of different protein/health shakes and they all tasted like chalk to me. This on the other hand, tasted like a Chocolate Milkshake. It was crazy to me that I was getting so many nutrients and superfoods in something that actually tasted good. They even send you a calendar with 30 different shake recipes you can make, so you can find the ones you like the best. My personal favorite is Chocolate Shakeology, PB2, Almond Milk, and a Banana.

So back to the original question, "Can Shakeology help prevent Sickness?"  I believe it can, simply because i have seen how it has affected my family and the lives of many others.  I have been seeing a Natural Dr. for about 6 years now, and almost every time i come in with what i think is a cold or bronchitis, he always links it back to a nutritional deficiency.  You see most doctors today give you medicine to fix the symptoms not the actual problem.  My Natural Dr for example, will see that I have a sore throat, and link it to the fact that I'm dehydrated.  However, it's not because i don't drink enough water, it's because i don't have the minerals in my body that the water needs to deliver it to all my organs.  I'm simply drinking a ton of water and it's going right through me.  You would be amazed at the sickness in your body that comes from dehydration alone.  Shakeology has all of those minerals and much more.  My husband and I stopped taking all of our vitamins, because with Shakeology you don't need to, since it's chalk full of everything you need.  Your body can fight off sickness a lot easier when it has the nutrients it needs to protect itself.  The nutrition facts below are from Chocolate Shakeology.  It's also comes in Vegan Chocolate with the main difference being Brown Rice Protein instead of Whey Protein.  As you can see there is absolutely nothing artificial, no soy, and the sweetener is Stevia.

Funny Video with Tony Horton checking out the ingredients in Shakeology.

Since my family has been taking Shakeology, I can't remember the last time any of us got really sick.  Sure a headache here or there, maybe a cough, but nothing major.  My son EJ who is now 27 months old has only been sick 2-3 times since he was born.  EJ LOVES Shakeology and takes about a half scoop a day in his smoothie.  Everytime I make my shake, he starts chanting Smoothie and basically drinks half of mine.  The great thing about Shakeology and having a 2 year old is that i know he is getting the nutrition that he needs.  He is a very picky eater (like his mother) and refuses to eat any vegetable that is green.  However I put a ton of spinach in with his Shakeology smoothie, and he doesn't taste a thing.  It gives me peace to know that even though he's not eating vegetables, he is getting his nutrition through the shake, and he rarely gets sick.

There is so much more I could say about it, but then this post would be REALLY long.  I'm going to leave you with a couple of really great videos to check out below.  If you would like to read more about it, click here

This video shows that Shakeology has been clinically proven.

Talks about the ingredients and what it can do for you!

If you are interested in getting Shakeology Click Here

If you would like to try a sample first, please click on the link and fill out the Sample Form.

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