Monday, February 9, 2015

My Journey doing 21 Day Fix Extreme: Day 1

Hey everyone,

As you may or may not know, I have started Beachbody's newest program called 21 Day Fix Extreme, which just came out 1 week ago.  I have already done the original 21 Day Fix and got great results, but I wanted to do something a little more EXTREME this time around.

I have already blogged all about this program and the differences between the original and EXTREME, so if you are wanting to learn more about the program and what it's about, check out my original post HERE!  My journey doing 21 Day Fix, will give you insights into the workouts, eating plan, and overall how i'm feeling…and Looking!

Last night, i took my BEFORE pics…which let's be honest, nobody ever wants to take those!
I've been working out steadily, but my eating has been off, and let's just say i really overdid it on Christmas Break with all the fabulous goodies that the Holidays bring.

The first workout that i did this morning was entitled 'Plyo Fix Extreme.'  Do you know what Plyo is?  It's A LOT of jumping.  Do you know what Autumn does in this workout?  She makes you jump A LOT while holding WEIGHTS!  Awesome right….LOL   Needless to say i was out of breath in the first 2 minutes, and i don't consider myself to be an out-of-shape person.  However, i've been going easy on my workouts lately….doing some PIYO (low impact), running, some lifting, but nothing too intense.  This is INTENSE!  I am excited though, because i have a little bit of fat left to burn and am really hoping to get abs with this program.

Then of course, I started on the 21 Day Fix Extreme Eating Plan….which scares me the most.  I can workout all day….Not a Problem.  Eating and measuring out my foods EXACTLY….not my thing.  I am a healthy eater, I don't eat a ton of crap (except for maybe a donut or some ice cream once a week), however I don't measure out stuff and just eat when I'm hungry.  Which means I'm not always getting the correct ratio of carbs to proteins to fats.  This is the reason that I don't gain weight, but i don't seem to be losing the mid section either.  I'm the type of person that likes to have at least one cheat meal per week…..well not this time, I'm going 21 days without cheats.   Seriously, I have never done this in my life!  Today's diet though has been right on target, I have measured everything out with the containers and I'm pushing through.  I just need to get my mind right and not freak out about it =)

Here is what my diet looks like this week!  This is for the lowest calorie setting…1200-1499

1 Scoop Shakeology (1 Red Container)
1 cup water
handful of ice cubes
1 Tsp PB2 (1 Fat)
1 Tsp Ground Flax Seed (1 Orange Container)
1/2 Banana (1 Purple Container)

Snack #1
1 Pear (1 Purple Container)
1 Tsp Coconut Oil (1 Fat)

Kale (1 Green Container)
Cauliflour (1 Green Container)
Spinach (1 Green Container)
Mozzarella Cheese (1 Blue Container)
2 Hard Boiled Eggs (1 Red Container)

Snack #2
Greek Yogurt (1 Red Container)

5 Turkey Meatballs (1 Red Container) (1/2 Yellow) (recipe in 21DFE book)
1 and 1/2 Sweet potato (1 and 1/2 Yellow Containers)

The containers make the diet easy, you just simply fill up the container with your food and that's how much you eat.  There is a guide at the beginning of the Meal Plan that will tell you how many of each container you will need in order to gain the best results.

Lastly…Here I am after the first workout this morning =)  Scroll Down past that and you will see all of my before pics!!  I even busted out the SPANDEX.. that's how serious I am!

If you are interested in getting this program, CLICK HERE!

Be sure to stop back for more updates and process pics!


  1. You are going to have a rocking body! Not that you need to look any better than you already do!
