Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How to save money on toiletries, by using All-Natural products

Hey Everyone,

So, I had to do a quick post about this, because I want to share with you how it's possible to use All-Natural Products on your skin and hair, without it costing you a fortune!  Today, I will just be talking about one product that I like, but there will be many more in posts to come…..

The product today that I have been using is Dr. Bonner's Citrus Orange Soap.  This product is AMAZING!!  I originally bought it to mix with coconut milk to make shampoo, but in the meantime, I have used it for so many other things!!


As I mentioned above, I have used it in conjunction with Coconut Milk for Shampoo.  To do this, just mix equal parts of both.  I did 1 Tbsp. of each, and you can add on to that the more hair you have.  

Body Wash

This is sooo simple….just put a few drops on your loofah and lather up.  Your body will feel so clean and refreshed and smell good after.

Face Wash

Again, super simple, just put 1 drop….it lathers up really well.   Then put on wet face and use as a wash.  My face is very acne-prone and it has never looked better.  I used to make my own face wash, but when I looked at the ingredients in Dr. Bonners, I realized it was all the same stuff I put into my face wash.  

Hand Soap

This shouldn't need any explanation…LOL  Put a drop on your hands and wash!

These are just a few of the uses that I have found work really well for my family, and save us a ton of money on buying 10 different products.  Also, you don't have to reap the effects of all the crappy ingredients they put in most products that are on the market.  This bottle cost anywhere from $13-$16 depending on size.  I recommend the bigger one for a better deal and because it will last you a long time.  We have been using it continually on all these things for a week now, and it looks like we have barely used it.  Be sure to just use very small amounts, because that is all you need, and it will make it last longer.

Just to give you a perspective on how much this could save you, I want to show what I would typically spend on these things. 

Shampoo--I like the good stuff so usually about $20 a month
Facewash--I used to get Absolutely natural for $18 lasts about 2 months.
Body Wash--I had cheap stuff with a bunch of chemicals $10 last about 3 months.
Hand Soap--we go through like crazy, $10 lasts about 2 months.

So let's just say the Dr. Bonners will last for 2 months…I'm guessing because I haven't tried it long enough to see how long it will last yet.   Also note the above expenses, are just for me, and don't include what my husband or child uses, although their's are not as expensive as mine. 

So with all the stuff I used before  it's about $75 for 2 months, which honestly isn't that crazy, but compared to using Dr Bonner's at $16 for 2 months is a pretty huge savings, and it is really good for you body with no chemicals.  The above list of things I bought, contained a lot of chemicals and it was much more expensive.  I'm a huge advocate of using natural products no matter what your income is.  Our family budget is tight right now, but I refuse to use chemicals on my skin, which is why I'm constantly trying to find ways to save money while still treating my body right.

I will update this article with the exact amount of time the Dr. Bonner's soap lasts for my family, maybe it will be even longer!!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hoped that you have learned something new!!  Comments appreciated.  I'd love to know if you are going to try it out. 

If you are interested in getting the soap, CLICK HERE

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