Monday, February 16, 2015

Feeding my Cat a Raw Diet

Hey Everyone,

This post should not surprise you, if you know me at all!  I love eating healthy and trying to make everyone else around me healthy as well….even if it's my kitty.  Seriously though, my cat has had a history of problems, from being overweight, bladder issues, and so on.  I also really like him a lot and want him to be around for awhile, so this is why I have decided to experiment with a raw food diet.

After doing some intensive research, I found that cats need certain vitamins, and things in their diet other than just meat.  As I was researching I came across a company called: Better in the Raw.  This company supplies a bag of all the nutrients and vitamins that a cat needs, and you simply just add meat and water and divide into balls.   The prices great as well.  I discovered that I could spend $25 a month feeding my cat a completely raw diet.  This will actually save us money in pet food, because we usually buy the healthy cat kibble, and then buy wet food on top of that, which can often times be anywhere between $30-$50 dollars.

I ordered the bag of Better in the Raw, and received it a few days ago.  So last night, I got the chance to mix it all together with the meat and water and get ready to give it a shot in the morning.  Side Note:  they say you should not let your cat eat for 24 hours before you start a raw diet, to make sure everything is out of their system.  My cat loved that..NOT!

Anyway, so I gave him the first raw 1/4 cup "meatball" this morning.  He started eating it right away, and then stopped, wanting his dry food.  Then when he realized he was getting it, he eventually at the rest of it.  YAY….SUCCESS!  I gave him the other 1/4 of it later that evening and he went to eating it right away.  I'm excited that he is going for it and I hope it will help him to be healthier and lose weight in the process.

Here's a pic of the bag and some raw meat, before I mixed it up.

I think I'm going to take before and after pics of my cat, just to see the difference.  I'll be updating more about this as he stays on the diet.  

Thanks for checking it out!!

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