Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to Eat Clean while Out-Of-Town for the Weekend.

Hey Everyone,

I want to take a couple minutes to share with you that it is possible to eat clean even while traveling, and give you some of my tips and tricks.

If you have been following my posts, you know that I started doing 21 Day Fix Extreme on Feb. 9.  What I did not think about was the fact that I had to go away that coming weekend with my band to St. Pete for a couple of shows.  Logic would have told me to start the my workout program and eating regimen after I got back on Feb. 16, but hey that's not how I roll!

I will say that this was probably one of the most planned out trips for packing.  I had a list, planned out my diet, prepped my food….I mean it was crazy and so not like ME!  The first thing I had to consider was the fact that I didn't know if I would have a refrigerator…..not to mention the fact I wasn't even sure when I would get to my hotel room that night. With that in mind, I decided to come up with a list of foods that did not need to be refrigerated.  As you can probably imagine, this was not turning out to be the tastiest diet.

I'm going to break it down into the different colored containers and the choices I gave myself, so that you get an idea.  Now remember, if you know you are going to a place with a refrigerator, you can plan way better and probably tastier stuff.  This is just my example of what I came up with in a short amount of time.


Cans of Tuna
Clif Bars (not exactly on the 21 DFE diet, but a great EASY source of protein in a nutshell)


Organic Bread
Corn Tortillas


Raw Veggies (cut up in a ziploc bag…yummy)



Blue--Healthy Fats


Orange--Seeds and Dressings

Ground Flaxseed

Teaspoons--Oils and Nut butters

Organic PB

There you have it an array of foods that do not need to be refrigerated!  I'm not going to spell out my whole diet, but the foods above are what I used and packed over the weekend to stay on target with my goals for this program.

All in all, I think I did a pretty good job.  The only things I had not on this list, where an Italian Sausage with veggies (no bun) for lunch, which I considered to be 1 protein and 1 veggie, and I had a plain hamburger piled high with veggies, and 1 bun, which was considered 1 protein, 1 veggie, and 1 carb.  Those were the only two times and I still stayed within my targets.

I want to give one last mention to my friends/bandmates I was with over the weekend.  I would say at first they pretty much thought I was crazy…although I did feel like they respected my choice.  Second, the last night when we were at five guys, they literally were all cheering me on to order the right stuff, because they didn't want me to compromise.  It was really cool to see.  So I say that to make the point that a support system is vital, especially in times like these where you are on the road.  Get your friends and fam on board and have them help you stay accountable!

Thanks for reading!

If you are interested in ordering 21 Day Fix Extreme, CLICK HERE!

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