Wednesday, April 4, 2018

How to "Turn Off" your mind at night....

When I talk to women who are sleep deprived, almost all of them tell me that they have a hard time "turning off" their mind.

Why is this such a huge problem for women?

Well, we ARE women, which means we are taking care of kids, husband, birthday parties, meals, helping at school, working, volunteering, and much much more.....

I'm certainly not cracking on husbands, because husbands can be an awesome help to a lot of these things, but as women our brains are always thinking about what we SHOULD be doing, or cleaning, or did the kids brush their teeth before bed, etc.....

Because men are built differently, it is easier for them to just relax after a day of work and not let their mind race in a million different directions like we do.  That's one way in which men and women are very different.

SO.......How do you we TURN OFF our minds so that we can get RESTFUL sleep?

One Word.....DELEGATE!

We have SO much put on us today in this world, thinking that we need to run everybody everywhere, clean, cook, plan parties, make clothes, grocery shop, volunteer, that we drive ourselves into a TIRED frenzy!

I have traveled to a lot of different countries, and almost all of them employ help, such as maids or in some other way.    You guys, these people do not have a ton of money, they just realize they are not SUPERWOMEN and need help.

Imagine if you had someone clean your house once a week, how much time would that FREE up for you?

Or say you paid someone to grocery shop and meal prep for you?  How much time would that FREE up?

What if you said no to the 10th volunteer opportunity that came your way this week?  How much time would that FREE up for you to spend quality time with your children?

What if you delegated some of the chores out to your children?  This teaches them responsibility and HELPS you!

It's OK to ask for help, we are not going to be around for our families, if we constantly join everything and are always running around in a busy frenzy!  What kind of life is that anyway?  Not to mention how it affects your health....especially if you have trouble sleeping.

When is the last time you did something for yourself?

Let's remember that we are not SUPERWOMAN, and it's ok to delegate and ask for help.

YOU do NOT need to PLEASE everyone!

You do NOT need to be involved in everything! 

Think of the message this sends to your husband and kids....Mom is so busy we hardly get to spend time with her.

So I challenge you to take a look at your life and list out your priorities.

<<<<<<ACTION STEP>>>>

1.  Make a list of your top priorities. (Spending time with family, working out, voluteering)

2.  Make a list of things you can delegate.  (cleaning, grocery shopping, errands)

3.  Schedule out your week first with your TOP priorities, and then whatever does not fit after you have scheduled your top priorities needs to be delegated.

4.  Delegate those tasks!

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