Monday, July 21, 2014

How to plan meals in order to lose weight

As you know what you eat is really the most important factor to losing weight, becoming healthy, and changing your lifestyle for the better.   However, this is probably where most people, including myself, struggle the most.  You want to be healthy and eat right, but you have no idea how to calculate calories, figure out the ration of proteins to carbs to fats, or how to even begin.  I've found a super simple way to do this, and it's through a system that figures out everything for you, and then plans out your meals.

This system is through the Team Beachbody website.  After you login, you can click on the "Eat Smart" tab, and directly underneath you will see meal planner.

I cannot tell you how incredibly easy this is.  Once you get to this screen you will be asked a few questions about your weight, height, activity level, and what you are looking to do (lose weight, maintain, etc…).  Then you will be directed to the next page that will show you a bunch of different meals for the week, and you can mix and match or change the meals if you want, because they have a ton of different options.  If you are like me, and you want to save a little bit of money, just pick one days worth of food and have the same thing all week.  As a person, who is terrible at planning ahead and has a hard time sticking to a diet (because i'm so picky and often lazy), I can testify that the meals on here are really good and i have stuck to this diet now for almost 3 weeks.  

I must confess though, that i have had the club membership now for almost 6 months, and i have never taken advantage of what it has to offer.  Because it is just for club members, you will need to sign up to get this feature.  It averages out to about $12 a month, but i can tell you it has saved me so much on my grocery bill, because i plan everything out, eat the same thing for a month, and do not buy any extras that are not on my list.  Being on a diet or health food plan, can save you a lot of money for this very reason, and also you are not keeping any junk food on hand, so you have no choice but to eat healthy.

This last part is one of the best features, because down at the bottom it gives you the nutrition information and it tells you if you are in your target ranges, based on what you pick.  I find that if i'm not in my target range on something, i will switch something out to get closer, but usually no matter what you choose you aren't that far off.  This is what i like to call nutrition made easy.  It takes all the guesswork out of looking for recipes, trying to calculate calories, and spending all that time on something that would be well spent in other areas.

Another perk to getting the club membership, is that you get 10% off of all Team Beachbody products. Workouts like 21 Day Fix, P90X, T25, Insanity, and many more.  It really has made my life so much simpler and easier, by taking the guesswork out of eating healthy.  So many other programs, make you order food, which is more expensive, and then when the program is over, you eventually have to learn how to eat and cook yourself anyway.  I hope this will help you on your journey to becoming fit, and if there is anything i can do to help you, or any questions that you have, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Here's the link to get the club membership, which will in turn provide you with access to the Meal Planner.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by my page and read this article, please feel free to forward to anyone you may think would benefit.

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