Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What is a Challenge Group?

I'm so excited to talk about this topic, because it has changed the lives of so many people!  Before, i get into it thought i want to give you a little background with my experiences with Team Beachbody.

I met my husband in 2008, and at that time he was doing this crazy fitness program called P90X.  I had never heard of it before, but he was getting insane results.  So, naturally i wanted to learn more, since i have always been a fitness junkie.  At the time, i was literally recording shows off of the workout channel and doing them, along with running.  I wasn't getting the results that i wanted, as a matter of fact i had never gotten the results i wanted since i started working out back in 1997.  I soon came to find out that it all had to do with my diet.  Now, i wasn't the most unhealthy person, but i would eat whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted to eat it, then i would just work out more to burn off the calories.  Have you ever been like that =)  Well needless to say, i got on the program, learned how to eat correctly and the excess weight came off.  I was amazed and become a total believer.

Fast Forward to Sept. 2013, by this time i had several rounds of P90X under my belt, and i had just completed another round because i was trying to lose the last few pounds of baby weight.  Well at that point, my husband had a grand idea….Why not become Beachbody Coaches?  I mean this program had been changing our lives and getting us in the best shape for years, but i honestly had no idea there was such a thing as coaching and that i could be one!  This was a dream come true for me, because for years i had played sports, worked out, and just loved all things athletic, but i didn't know how to pursue it as a career.  I was always trying to help my friends get in shape, even when i was young.  Originally my husband was just going to do it, but i couldn't resist!

So here we are new coaches to beachbody, mind you we never went through a challenge group, had a coach, didn't even know any of that existed.  However, we became fast learners and soon started up our own group.  What is it?  It's an online FB Group, that i put my customers in to have accountability while they are on their fitness journey.  This is the one vital step that no other program offers!!  It's a win win situation, you get a program, shakeology for nutrition, a nutrition guide to tell you what to eat, and a free coach to help you stay accountable so that you don't quit.  Check out this video that perfectly sums up what a challenge group is.

Do they really work?  Yes they do!  I have seen so many people transform their lives through these groups.  What i love the most, is that they are taught how to live a healthy lifestyle even after the program is completed.  They understand what to eat, how to exercise, and most importantly they feel so much better.

Here are the results from a challenger who recently completely T25, she lost almost 20 pounds in 10 weeks, and she is a mom of 4 kids!  Anyone can do this.

If you are interested in taking the challenge.  Click here!

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