Monday, July 7, 2014

FREE 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge

What is this free 5 day clean eating challenge?  Well, it is a way to reset your body from eating unhealthy, as well as a jumpstart into a healthier lifestyle.  It's a fantastic way to cleanse your body of toxins, and feed it the whole nutrition that it is craving.  Then when are body becomes refueled from eating good food, we feel refreshed and energized, and often have a brand new motivation to stay healthy because we remember how good it feels!

This is something i run all of the time for friends and family and people i have just met.  It's totally free, i provide you with everything, except all the food =)  Along with that, you are put into an online support group where you can chat with others doing the challenge, or ask any questions that you might have as you are going through the challenge.

I know what you are thinking, do the recipes and food in this challenge actually taste good?  Yes, the meals are very similar to what you may normally eat, just a lot healthier.  I'm not asking you to down chia seeds or eat raw goat's milk or anything crazy.  Not that any of that is bad, but often times when people have lived a lifestyle of eating unhealthy foods, to jump into to something uber healthy can be a little scary, so don't worry this is totally doable and tasty! There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks.   Also, you have 3 different options for each meal and snack, so you can plan to do the same thing all week, or switch it up.

Lastly, before i get some of the yummy pics from the meals, this challenge is based on 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men.  A lot of people actually feel like they can't eat all of the food at first, because they are not used to so much nutrition in their food.  In case you didn't know vegetables are very filling, but not many calories, so adding a lot more of those can really fill you up, even though you aren't eating a lot of calories.

Ok, so here it is, my breakfast this morning on the challenge.  Shakeology oatmeal, raspberries, and 3 hard-boiled eggs, and it was delicious

For Snack #1

I had Green Tea Shakeology

For Lunch

I had a Chicken Hummus Pita

For Snack #2  

I had Hummus Deviled Eggs

 And for Dinner

I had a Chicken Salad

As I mentioned before not bad at all, and the recipes are fantastic.  Again, i will provide you with the options, all the recipes, and the support needed in the group.  This is all free.  I want to help you live a healthier lifestyle.  It is my passion to see more and more people be free of sickness and disease, because of simply changing what we put into our mouths and becoming more educated.  

If this interests you, please send me an email titled 5 day clean eating challenge, or friend me on FB, and send me a message that you would like to do the challenge.  My Facebook link and email are below.  I hope to hear from you soon!

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