Monday, March 2, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme RESULTS!!!

The day has finally come…I have finished 21 Day Fix Extreme!  I'm so excited about my results and can't wait to share them with you!  If you have never heard of 21 Day Fix Extreme, check out my very first post that explains all about it HERE.

I want to share with you a little about my journey first, before I get into the pictures.  When I started this journey 21 days ago, I was nervous about being able to stay so strict on my diet for that long.  I'm not an unhealthy person, but I like to eat when I want and what I want, so I chose to look at it as an exercise in discipline.  The other thing that helped me to stay accountable, was the fact that I told everyone on FB, blogged about it, and I want to lead by example, those people that will allow me to help them!  I want people to see how they can transform their body in only 21 days!  Granted, this is just the beginning for a lot of people, but it's the push some people need to keep going.  When you get awesome results in 21 days, you don't want to stop!

As far as the workouts go, I found them to be at just the right intensity for me….somewhere between Insanity and the original 21 Day Fix.  I really looked forward to the workouts, my favorite being Upper Fix, and my least favorite being Plyo Fix.  The hardest part for me was working out for 21 days straight.  I'm used to working out 6 days and taking a rest day.  It definitely pushed my body, but I stuck with it and used a heating pad when necessary =)

The diet really went well for me.  I meal prepped every single week, so that all my meals were already ready.  This way, I was not tempted to cheat.  Although to say I lost my cravings would be a lie.  There were many times, I wanted to eat at my fav restaurant or grab a donut, but I would remember my goals and my accountability and deny how I felt at the moment.  It started to get easier toward the end, I went to many gatherings, even a weekend away, where there was a lot of good food, but I didn't have a problem resisting it.  Also, a HUGE part of my results is due to drinking Shakeology daily.  It helps to fuel your body with all the nutrients it doesn't get in food, as well as lower cholesterol, and help you to lose weight.  Oh, and it tastes REALLY good.  It also helps with your craving as well, which is vital when you are committing to a serious food regimen.   If you are interested in seeing what I ate during the fix, check out my post HERE, meal prep instructions included.

So you may be wondering what you do after completing a program like this?  Well, some people do it again, others use it alongside running or other workouts.  Some people take a week off.  What matters the most is that you continue on your journey.  This is meant to help you get there and teach you how to eat, but it's up to you to continue adding health and fitness into your everyday life.  It's important to take care of ourselves and nourish our bodies properly.  I'm a firm believer that most diseases and problems in life stem from nutrition.

One last thing….If you are interested in joining my next challenge group which will begin March 23, please take a quick second and fill out this QUESTIONNAIRE.  I hope you will join me.  If you choose to participate in the challenge group, you will get accountability, daily tips and tricks, and me to coach you through the whole program so that you get the best results.  If you are looking to get in shape for summer, or a big event, picture, or whatever you can do it in 21 days.  I would be honored to help you.

To purchase the program please CLICK HERE!

Ok Ok….THE PICS!!!
Day 1 on the left….Day 21 on the right.

Thanks so much for taking the time to follow my journey!  I would love to connect with you on FB, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter.  Also, if I can be of any help to you on your journey I would love to.  Also, I have a ton of healthy recipes and motivation on my Pinterest page, so be sure to follow me HERE.  I look forward to hearing from you and being able to help or motivate you on your journey to health and fitness!!!

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