Friday, September 19, 2014

4 Tips for Consistent Healthy Eating

1. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, there must be balance.                                                           

I live by the 80/20 rule. I eat mostly healthy stuff through
the week, but on the weekends we have a cheat meal or two, sometimes 3.
NOBODY can eat healthy all the time!
That is not the point, the point is to
eat more health food than junk food. So, be disciplined, and you will really
look forward to those cheat meals. Now here is the best part about cheat
meals. Usually after eating clean all week, you will feel like crap after
eating a meal of junk. THIS IS GOOD! It means your body is clean, and it
will also help you to remember how crappy you feel when you eat bad,
which will in turn help you to be able to turn down the junk, now that you
know what it feels to have a clean body.

2. Figure out your “WHY”

Why is it that you want to live a healthy lifestyle, for you, to be around
for your kids, to lose weight, to feel more confident, to fit into those jeans
you have always wanted to wear, maybe you have a history of disease in
your family. This is important for you to figure out. I can’t make you stick to
a diet, and nobody can force you to do anything. This has to be something
that you WANT to do for YOU. As you can see from this week’s challenge,
it really wasn’t that hard to do, and the food was pretty good!! (At least I
hope you liked it) You have to take control of your life. One of my favorite
quotes is “You run the day, or the day runs you.” Meaning you are in
control of what you put into your mouth everyday, don’t fall to peer
pressure. You don’t have to eat a donut, just because all your coworkers
are. (Remember how crap makes you feel). Do it for you, you deserve it.

3. Prioritize

It’s just like anything else, you have to make eating healthy a priority,
so whether that is packing your lunch, so you don’t go out to eat everyday,
meal prepping, so that it’s already made ahead of time, which means you
have to eat it. You will make time for what is important, so i challenge you
to make this important, for your health and the health of your family. There
is so much crap in American food, that you need to read labels and really
consider what you are buying. It may take some extra time at first, but you
will feel better, look better, and be happier!

4. One last tip

When shopping, try to shop the perimeter, most of the junk is in the
middle. Check ingredients, if you have never heard of it or can’t
pronounce, chances are it’s not good for you. If you are not sure, don’t buy
it. I know that healthy food can be more expensive, but compare it to what
it costs to pay for a hospital stay or cancer treatment, and you will save in
the end, if you treat your body well.

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