Wednesday, September 24, 2014

10 Ways To Help You Stay Consistent With Your Workouts

Let's face it, we all want to be healthy and look great, but sometimes it's hard to stay consistent. We let our emotions take control and tell us what to do, instead of learning how to overcome them.  Well in the next couple of paragraphs, I'm going to share some of the ways i have been able to stay consistent with my workouts.

Has it always been easy?  No way, but most things in life that are truly worth it, seldom comes easy.  You have to work hard for what you want.   Either you want to reach your healthy fitness goals, by setting your mind to it no matter how you feel, or you are not disciplined enough to stick to it, making it something you will always wish for.

1.  Workout in the morning

I have coached a lot of people over the last year, and had found that those who do not workout in the morning are not consistent and don't stick to it.  Now, i understand there are rare cases where it is really not possible, but for most of us it is.  You can get up an hour to a half hour earlier if you really desire to reach your goals.  Will it be easy?  No, not at first, but it will become a habit in 21 days if you stick to it.  This may mean going to bed earlier…..I know i said it =)  The reason it's so important to workout in the morning, is that it will help you start your day with extra energy and alertness.  It wakes up your body and gets it moving in the right direction.  You will feel good about yourself, be less tired,  and it will encourage you (hopefully) to eat well throughout the day to keep that feeling of energy.  I find those that say they will workout after work, often don't do it, because they had a long day and they are too tired.  So, get up early, get in your workout, and then you are set for the day!

2.  Move your alarm clock to the other side of the room, so you have to get up

It is so easy to keep pressing snooze while you are laying in bed.  Believe me, I have done it many times!  Set yourself up for success, by moving it somewhere that you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.   Then you have no excuse because you are already up!

3.  Set out your workout clothes the night before

Have your workout clothes ready to go, that way you can get up, get dressed and there is no searching for clothes in the dark.  You are also reminded of your commitment to working out, when you wake up and see your clothes sitting out.

4.  Workout with a friend/spouse

My husband and I workout together every morning, and it's really a great motivator for me.  He's usually the one that peels me out of bed.  We set our alarm for 5 every morning, and hold each other accountable.  I know that i'm not going to let him get in better shape than me.  So you can even be a little competitive with it.  But either way, having someone to keep you accountable, especially on those days you are extra tired really helps.

5.  Plan out your workouts a month in advance

Make up a calendar each month, and write in your workouts/rest days for the entire month.  This way you don't wake up thinking, what should i do this morning, you already have a plan.  As they say, "If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail."  My husband and I workout at home, so we rotate between different programs that already have set calendars with them.  If you like to go to the gym, write down leg day, arm day, cardio, pilates…etc…but have it written out so you know exactly what to do.  If you are a runner, write down how many miles or minutes you are going to run that day.  There are many different options, but HAVE a plan.

6.  Don't be driven by your emotions

Everyday that i get up, the first thing i think is this:  "I will do what others won't, to have what they can't."  In other words, i know that not everyone is willing to get up and workout and that's ok, but i don't want to be those people.  I want to go above and beyond and discipline myself so that i can have the body i want and reach the goals in life that i want to reach.  People that are emotion driven, will never reach their goals.  You are not going to wake up wanting to workout everyday, so you need to push past how you feel to reach the goals you want to reach.  Have you ever read about someone in history who gave up?  Me either, you only read stories of those that didn't quit and fulfilled their calling.

7.  Write down your goal

Whatever your goal may be for your workouts, write it down.  Put it in a place where you will see it everyday.  I've even told people to put a picture of a person with abs on the refrigerator to help remind you of what your goal is, so that you don't pig out when you open the fridge =)

8.  Don't worry what others think

A lot of times when you start to reach your fitness goals, you will hear others talking about you or even to you and making fun of the way you are dedicated to what you are doing.  I can tell you the only reason they are is because you are succeeding and they are jealous.  So, do not worry what others are saying.  As a person who has been in shape most of her life, i always get people telling me how small i am, or ask if i eat enough, etc….  It's sometimes frustrating to hear knowing how hard i workout and how disciplined i have been to get here, but i don't let it bother me, because it doesn't matter what people think.

9.  Do not go more than 3 days without working out

I have found the longer you take off, the easier it is to not get back on.  Don't get me wrong, rest days are important for rebuilding and letting your body recover, but don't take off for too long.  Habits built can be easily broken.  Also, you can gain weight a lot faster than you can lose weight.  So don't lose the progress you have already worked so hard to gain.

10.  Reward yourself

When you set goals, make it a point to reward yourself once you reach them.  Then set another goal, and give yourself another reward and so on.  Setting small goals helps you to continually reach them and set more.  The rewards can be inexpensive or expensive, but make it something valuable that you will really work hard to get.  For instance, once you lose 10 pounds, go out and buy those skinny jeans you have been eyeing for a month.

Looking for accountability and help finding a program that you will really like, Click Here

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