Thursday, August 21, 2014

How to Make Asian Rice Balls

Hey Everyone,

I'm here to share you with a yummy Asian Recipe that was taught to me by my Vietnamese Mother-In-Law.  If you have not seen any pictures of me, I am white and my husband is Vietnamese.  Now when i was first introduced to his family, i felt very inadequate because i was not Vietnamese, but his family graciously accepted me with open arms!  Up until that point about 6 years ago, i had never really experienced traditional Vietnamese food, such as Pho, but it didn't take me long to fall in love with it and want to learn how to make it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How i live my life working out and laying in bed

Today, instead of posting a healthy recipe or giving workout advice, I've decided to offer a glimpse into my daily life.  As a disclaimer, i don't think my life is Reality-TV worthy or anything like that, but i do think i know the value of hard work, and learning how to create a life you have always desired.  While I am not where i would like to be yet, everyday i am working towards a future that I believe God has desired and equipped me to pursue.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What is a Beachbody Coach?

What is a Beachbody Coach?  It's possible that you know somebody who is a coach, or maybe you have just completed a Beachbody Program, had fantastic results and want to learn more about it?  I can't wait to tell you all about how it's changed almost every aspect of my life.

Friday, August 1, 2014

PIYO Month 1 Results

Can i just start out by saying this workout is a game changer!  I consider myself to be a pretty fit person in general, but i never thought in a million years that a low impact workout like this one would define my body like no other workout has.  This is the strongest and most ripped i have ever been in my life.  The best part is that since it is low impact it's great for everyone, all fitness levels, and those that have injuries or back problems.  It will build up your core strength and help your body become more flexible which in turn means your joints will thank you!