Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How i live my life working out and laying in bed

Today, instead of posting a healthy recipe or giving workout advice, I've decided to offer a glimpse into my daily life.  As a disclaimer, i don't think my life is Reality-TV worthy or anything like that, but i do think i know the value of hard work, and learning how to create a life you have always desired.  While I am not where i would like to be yet, everyday i am working towards a future that I believe God has desired and equipped me to pursue.

Let me start by saying, i have always wanted to be successful in life.  I wasn't always really sure what that meant or how to get there.  Success comes in many different forms, whether it is money, fame, being respected, successful in your walk with Jesus, etc…. By no means am i declaring one to be better than the other or that i'm necessarily reaching for a specific route of success.  My definition of success is using the potential and gifts that God has given me to fullest measure possible.  I want to leave this earth saying that i did everything i could to fulfill my God given potential, and did not waste what was given to me as a gift from the creator himself.

With that being said, I am pursuing music and a fitness based business.  These are two things that i feel very passionately about and want to develop to the best of my ability.  Each day i try to schedule in practice time on the violin as well as piano, and each day i devote time to working on my fitness business.  I am also a stay at home mom, so my family is extremely important to me.  In order to pursue passions successfully, i believe that it's important to create a schedule that will help you to best maximize your time.  It's also important to have attainable goals each month, year, etc….  You need to know what it is you are working toward, and not just doing a bunch of meniscal tasks that are getting you nowhere.  Has this been easy for someone like me who is a Sanguine?  Absolutely not!  I'm not good with schedule, writing things down, or remembering important things most of the time.  This has been a huge change for me, but in a good way because i am doing things everyday that are leading me to my goals.

My fitness business has been a lot of fun for me to do.  I started as a Beachbody Coach last September. It has been amazing to see the transformations of many friends and others who have totally changed their lifestyles and have lost a lot of weight.  I feel truly blessed to know that i have been a small part in changing someone's health.  It's a huge passion for me, because i have always loved sports and working out.  Now, i have finally figured out how i can use that passion to help and bless other people.  While running your own business is no walk in the park, you can make your own hours and you get the freedom to work at home!  Since most of my business is done through social media, i can sit in my bed at home and get work done.  Working at home definitely requires some personal discipline and motivation, but the rewards can be overwhelming.  I get to be a stay at home mom, and also provide some extra income to my family.  Don't get me wrong, i don't lay in bed all day, but it's nice to know that i can relax in bed and work at the same time.  The other great thing is that while i'm on the road traveling with the band, i can work as well.  The great thing about social media is that i can work anywhere i want, which is another blessing, because i want to be free to travel, and pursue my love of music.

Which brings me to my next passion.  I'm in a band, called Big Kettle Drum!  I know it's weird to think that a stay at home mom could be in a band, and it's a lot of fun.  I'm the definition of not your typical mom.  While i love my son very much, he does not take over my life.  I once read a book that said it perfectly, when you have a child, add them into your life, do not let them become the center on which your life revolves.  Thankfully, my husband who also runs his own business is able to be flexible and watch EJ, when i need to go and do shows with the band.  It's an overwhelming blessing to be able to pursue both of my passions and strive to reach my goals with them.  Is it easy?  No way, this girl works her butt off most days, and doesn't know how to relax, but i'm learning.

One more thought that i want to leave you with, and that's don't ever stop working on yourself.  I ready anywhere from 10-30 minutes of a book, or an audio recording about personal development everyday.  This has dramatically changed me as well.  It has been said that if you want to be successful it's important to work and grow yourself, so that when success comes, you are mature enough to handle it. Everyday i'm learning new things and learning how to grow to be a better person, leader, wife, and mother.  I'm grateful for the gifts and opportunities that the Lord has blessed me with, and I hope that this will inspire you to search within yourself for greatness.  Don't stop pursuing the life that God desires you to have.

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