Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What is a Beachbody Coach?

What is a Beachbody Coach?  It's possible that you know somebody who is a coach, or maybe you have just completed a Beachbody Program, had fantastic results and want to learn more about it?  I can't wait to tell you all about how it's changed almost every aspect of my life.

September of 2013 is when i decided to become a coach.  My husband originally came up with the idea, because he was going to do it to make some extra income and follow his passions of fitness.  Well, needless to say, it sounded perfect for me too!  I was a stay at home mom, looking for something i could do to make a difference in people's lives, while still being able to stay home with my baby.  Fitness and clean eating was also one of my passions, so i couldn't imagine not doing it alongside!  When we started, it was all very overwhelming, but very exciting.   The best part was that i could take part in changing someone's health and how they live.  Health is one area of my life that i feel very passionate about and have such a desire to help others to experience how good it feels to be in shape and to fuel your body the correct way.  Witnessing my first challenger success story was an unreal feeling.  All i could think of was, because i decided to make this commitment to help others, i have inspired others to change their lives.  It's a very humbling feeling, and to think i get paid on top of it is even better!

How does it all work?  When you become a coach, one of the first things you will do is run your own challenge group.  A challenge group is anywhere from 3-5 people or even more that have purchased a Challenge Pack (Beachbody Program + Shakeology), and are ready to change their lives.  These challengers are put into an online FB group where they will receive support from you (their coach) as well as the others in the group.  They are to post their workouts in the group everyday to stay accountable.  The reason why so many other programs on the market fail, is because there is no accountability.  With Beachbody, you get a program, nutrition in the shake, and a coach.  I cannot begin to tell you how many people have told me that this is the first time they have actually succeeded in losing weight, simply because they had someone to be accountable too.  So, you are always inviting people to take part in your challenge group.  Secondly, you are drinking your Shakeology every day and working out, so that you are a product of the product, and third you are doing Personal Development.   Which means you are reading books, listening to audio, watching videos,  anything that is going to grow you as a person.

I will tell you that i am a different person than i was a year ago, just because of coaching.  Not only have i been able to impact many lives for the sake of fitness, but i have changed my own life, because of doing Personal Development everyday.  Since i have started i have read more than 10 books, and this coming from someone who does not normally read at all.  It has been a powerful life changing experience for me, and i hope to keep changing more lives and growing as a person.

Ok, so you are really feeling motivated about this, but are wondering how much it's going to cost?  Well, you will initially spend $40 to sign up (this fee is waived if you are military, or have bought a challenge pack in the past), then you will sign up on Shakeology HD, which means you get it every month, and you will be charged $15.95 which is your website fee through Team Beachbody.  Now, the great thing about Team Beachbody is that they handle everything.  All you do is send your customers to your website to order and Beachbody does all the handling, customer service, etc..  It really is a small price to pay for a business that could potentially earn you a lot of money, depending on how much time you are willing to put into it.  As a growing coach, who's done it less than a year, I can honestly say that i make around $400 dollars a month right now.  While, i know that isn't a lot, but think about it, could you use an extra $400 a month?

Team Beachbody has been an amazing company to work for, and one of the only companies who actually spends millions in advertisements on TV and elsewhere.   That means almost everybody already knows about us, which makes it even easier to sell.  I hope that you have found some answers to your questions in this article.  I'd love to chat with you more or answer any other questions you may have.  I look forward to hearing from you.

If you are interested, take a minute and watch the video link below and sign up for more info.  You will also be entered to win a copy of P90X or Insanity.


Here's a pic of Tony Horton and I, the creator of P90X

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