Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Favorite Clean Eating Breakfast Recipe….Ready in Minutes

If you are at all like me, stay-at-home mom to a busy toddler and budding entrepreneur, having time to cook breakfast, much less a healthy one, is often out of the question.    So ever since becoming a mom, it has been my goal in life to make meals as EASY and HEALTHY as possible.  I have enough things that i need to accomplish in a day and spending 3-4 hours cooking is not one of them.

The solution to this problem, started with becoming a Pinterest Addict.
For those who have never heard of Pinterest, you are really missing out on the best ideas the people of this world have to offer.  It's almost like everyone else has already done the work and all you have to do is pin their ideas, and voila in a matter of minutes you have planned your meals for the week.  My favorite search keyword on Pinterest is:  Easy Healthy Meals.   With that being said, join Pinterest and save yourself some time and energy…after all you are going to need it to keep up with your kids!

Today, i want to share you one of my All-Time Favorite Breakfast recipes that i discovered on…..Pinterest of Course!

Banana Cocoa Refrigerator Oatmeal

Click Here for the full recipe

I hope you enjoy as much as i do…and think of all the time you will save in the mornings!

Much Love!

Natalie Hoang

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