Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Healthy Lunch/Dinner Idea: Sweet Potato Nachos

If you are like me, a busy mom, entrepreneur, and musician, I NEED simple healthy meals that i can prep ahead of time.  Let's face it, who really has time to cook 3 healthy meals everyday?  Well maybe someone, but I'm busy trying to raise a 2 year old and follow my dreams.  So, I'm super excited to share this YUMMY, QUICK, EASY, HEALTHY recipe with you!  If you LOVE Sweet Potatoes, you are going to love it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Favorite Clean Eating Breakfast Recipe….Ready in Minutes

If you are at all like me, stay-at-home mom to a busy toddler and budding entrepreneur, having time to cook breakfast, much less a healthy one, is often out of the question.    So ever since becoming a mom, it has been my goal in life to make meals as EASY and HEALTHY as possible.  I have enough things that i need to accomplish in a day and spending 3-4 hours cooking is not one of them.