Monday, June 30, 2014

3 Day Refresh Review

You may or may not have heard of a brand new product by Beachbody called the 3 Day Refresh.  Notice i said Refresh and not cleanse.  Why you ask?  Well, it's meant to help you feel refreshed, and not drained as many cleanses will make you feel after a couple of days.

So what's in the 3 Day Refresh?  Well, there are a couple of options.  You can get a 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack, which comes with a whole bag of Shakeology on top of the Refresh, you can get just the Refresh with 3 Shakeology packets included, or just the Refresh with no Shakeology included.  I recommend that you pick one that has Shakeology in it.  Each day you drink a total of 4 shakes, 1 Shakeology, 2 Vanilla Fresh (which are actually quite tasty), and a Fiber Sweep.  Each of these shakes will be supplemented with either fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and the option of drinking green tea or black coffee.  There are even a couple of different healthy dinner recipes for you to pick from.  It's very simple and easy to follow.

So why the 3 Day Refresh over any other cleanse?  Well, most other cleanses, such as juice cleanses really tax your organs, whereas the 3 Day Refresh delivers all of the essential vitamins and nutrients to your organs and body to help them function and full capacity.  While i cannot vouch for every other cleanse, i can vouch for this one and say that there is nothing artificial or fake in any of the shakes.  Everything is 100 percent natural.  The shakes are all plant based, so even people who are vegetarians can do this cleanse (just be sure to order the Vegan Shakeology bag if you choose to go that route).

So what kind of results can you expect?  Well most people lose at least 3 pounds, and i've even heard so much as 9 lbs lost.  However, this is not just a system for people who are looking to lose weight, it is for people who are looking to start into a healthy lifestyle, or someone that has just had a bad month of eating and wants to get back onto a good diet.  It's great for everyone, and your body will love you for it. 

The other thing i love, is that you can do this in a weekend to get ready for a wedding, or a trip, or some special occasion.  If you just need to lose 5 pounds and you don't have a lot of time.  This is your HEALTHY solution!

I personally did the Refresh last week, after a bad month of eating and lots of traveling.  It's hard to eat healthy on the road, so i was excited to get my body back in gear.  I lost a total of 2 lbs doing it, and I really felt and noticed a difference in my body.  It helped me to get back on track.  I've posted a pic below of my before (on left) and after (on right).  

To buy the CHALLENGE PACK, which comes with a FULL SHAKEOLOGY BAG, and is on sale through July 31, CLICK this link  It should say 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack.  This is the one you will need to get for my REFRESH AND SUMMER SHAKE CHALLENGE beginning July 21.  If you would like more details about that challenge, please click below.

To just purchase the 3 Day Refresh without a Full Shakeology Bag, click the link that is just under the Challenge pack link, at the top right hand corner, or click below.  Be sure that the coach listed is me Natalie Hoang, before you checkout.

Check out the video below, if you still have questions.